Welcome to Pride Port Ludlow: Your Local LGBTQ+ Community
We're just a bunch of friendly folks living in and around Port Ludlow who decided to come together as Pride Port Ludlow. It all started because we realized we needed a little extra support during the isolating times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since the pandemic, we have grown into one of the largest neighborhood queer groups in Washington State!
Joining Our Community
Our doors are open, and we're excited to welcome you to our LGBTQ+ community, as well as allies and friends. It doesn't take much to become a part of our group. If you support LGBTQ+ rights and responsibilities, you're already a perfect fit!
Growing Together
Our community keeps growing, with new members joining us every month. We love spending time together, and even though the pandemic changed things up a bit, we've embraced technology to make sure we can still meet. Whether it's in person or through Zoom, we're here for each other.
Having Fun
Life in Pride Port Ludlow is all about making friends and having a good time. We organize summer picnics, beach days, and even roll up our sleeves for community service projects. Plus, there are unique moments like outdoor classical music concerts and casual meetups for lunch or coffee.
Get in Touch!
If you're curious and want to join us, just reach out through our "Contact Us" section. We're a friendly bunch, and we can't wait to meet you. Pride Port Ludlow is all about diversity, acceptance, and making lifelong connections.
Join us today!